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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Who's Who for the Month of February

         First of all we would like to apologize for the delayed feature. The team was so busy arranging some important matters for the big day. Nevertheless, we are still within the Love Month and like what the old saying goes.. IT'S BETTER LATE THAN NEVER.Ü

       We received a lot of comments from our friends and family members who were featured here in this page. All we can say is "YOU DESERVE TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED." These people have been an important element in our lives, from the time that we were born and raised, up to the time when our eyes made that first meeting and up to now as an engaged couple. We love doing this and pls.pls.pls. don't blame us for this because this only shows how we appreciate your presence.Ü. It's ok to become a superstar, because God created us in His own image and likeness. What more can we ask for?Ü

       So who will be our featured people for February? They are listed below:

1.) Ariadne Jolejole
2.) Erwin Santos
3.)Chel Niere
4.) Ryan Diño
5.) Imelda Punzalan

      For our friends who were featured last month, please hold your tears, we didn't expel you from our site... Ü. We are creating an archive for the past month's features and it will be released soon.Hope we see that smile in your faces once again.

     Feel free to give us your comments and suggestions.It will be highly appreciated. Thanks and please enjoy reading our features.Godbless!Ü

http://www.fourlovesandavow.com/ - Please view our site for updates and comments. Thanks again!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hi Everyone!!!!

Good day!!!

 One month has passed and it was a blast!We hope that the January feature was worth reading. and thank you to the people who were featured. We are so grateful to have you!

Updates? Well , we just finished with our first photo shoot session and the details for that will be featured soon. So what's new for this month? Of course new featured people, new activities and new articles.

We call this edition as " The Love Month", obviously because it is February and because it will be V-day soon! We remember last year, both of us still unattached but....in our hearts we are both praying that the Lord will truly reveal to us our true valentine. And it happened. This year, we will be celebrating valentine's as a couple, preparing to meet our Match-Maker,  before this year ends.

We will feature everything about love... love for God, neighbor, country, etc. Also we will share why we came up with the title "Four Loves and a Vow," and why o why love is the greatest of all.

Hope that you will like this feature. Thanks very much for your continued support. Spead the love! Listen to love songs! Below is one of the classic favorites:

                           Jim Brickman - Valentine Music Video

Please continue to be updated with the latest infos about Four Loves and a Vow. Kindly view this link:


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